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The Stanford Mental Arithmetic Response Time Evaluation (SMARTE) is part of the Neuro-Cognition group of tests administered in the ABCD study. It is a series of three math tasks, designed to measure a participant's math ability. In the ABCD study, SMARTE runs cohesively as one big math task via Inquisit by Millisecond on an iPad. There is also a version running on Pavlovia that we are piloting in the lab and will be sharing soon.

Structure of SMARTE

The SMARTE consists of three, 2 minute tasks:

1. Enumeration: 2 minutes of dot enumeration

2. Math Fluency: 2 Phases

  • 1 minute of single-digit arithmetic (Phase A)
  • 1 minute of mixed-digit arithmetic (Phase B)

3. Math Recall: 2 Phases

  • 24 mixed-digit arithmetic problems (Phase C)
  • Followed by challenge problems until the 2 minutes are up (Phase D)

Additionally, there is a math anxiety question upon completion of the three above tasks. 


All instructions are read by an audio recording.


The participant enters their responses on a 0-9 numberpad (see below for an illustration). They can use the correction button to backspace what they have typed, before pressing the submit button.

Trial Time Limit


Tasks are timed and the participant should attempt to respond to trials as quickly as possible. 

On all problems (except mathrecall "challenge" problems), participants have a 7 second deadline to submit an answer. After 7 seconds, a "too slow" message appears in red on the screen, and the task automatically proceeds to the next trial.

Once a participant accumulates 3 timeout feedback events within a two-minute task, the timeout deadline is released for the remainder of that task. 

The 7-second deadline is released in the mathrecall task after the 24th item (i.e. beginning of "challenge" problems).

Trial Feedback

Feedback is only given on practice trials. Participants do not receive feedback on subsequent test trials.

Practice Trials


Enumeration: 2 practice trials with real-time feedback; practice will repeat if trials were not answered correctly (up to 4 practice trials).

Math fluency: 2 practice trials with real-time feedback; practice will repeat if trials were not answered correctly (up to 4 practice trials).

Math recall: No practice trials

Task Items


Items are dots, ranging from 0 to 9 dots:

0-4 dots: Used for test problems (Subitizing)

5 dots: Used for practice problems

6-9 dots: Used for test problems (Grouped vs. Ungrouped)

Math Fluency

Phase A

Items are single-digit arithmetic problems, oriented veritcally. Answers are smaller than 9.

Problems either follow a rule (N ± 0, N ± 1, N ± N) or do not (No Rule).

Phase B

Items are mixed-digit arithmetic problems, oriented vertically. 

First operand is a double-digit number. Second operand is a single-digit number ranging from 0-9. Answer is a double-digit number.

Problems either involve a carry/borrow step (Regrouping) or not (No regrouping). 

Math Recall

Phase C

Items are 24 Mixed-digit arithmetic problems, oriented vertically or horizontally.

First operand is a double-digit number. Second operand is a single-digit number ranging from 0-9. Answer is a double-digit number.

Problems either involve a carry/borrow step (Regrouping) or not (No regrouping).

Phase D

Challenging double-digit operations (both operands are double digits) requiring regrouping. Vertical or Horizontal orientation.

There are also inference problems where first operand is given, second operand is blank, and answer is given (horizontal orientation).

Summary Variables

SMARTE automatically calculates summary variables for each subject's session. In the ABCD Study, there are a total of 52 curated summary variables. There are three levels of analysis:

  1. Single raw score aggregating the number of correct items across 6 minutes of test time.
  2. Number of correct items completed per minute, by subgroup (Enumeration, Single Digit Fluency, Multi Digit Fluency).
  3. Response times and accuracy, by contrasts within subgroups.  They are illustrated in the following table:
Module dot



Dot enumeration

Single-digit arithmetic

Multi-digit artihmetic

Dot enumeration 1to4subit



Subitzing (up to four dots)

Grouped arrays

Ungrouped arrays

Single digit fluency



Rule items (N ± 0, N ± 1, N ± N)

No-rule items

Double digit fluency noregroup



Regrouping required

No regrouping required

Challenge items from Phase D

Values nt






number of items presented

number of correct responses

number of timeouts

number of errors

proportion correct response

mean reaction time for correct responses

Scientific Resources

In progress.